Saturday, March 08, 2008

I am an Athletic Supporter

Well you know for the first time in 6 years I didn't get picked in the lottery for the Moab Half. It has been three months now and my anger has just recently subsided. I decided to eat my pride though and still have fun and be a true supporter of this fine race.
So, Terry, Clair, David and I went down to Moab, they ran and I supported and it turned out to be great fun. The race was a couple of weeks early this year because of Easter and the jeep safari so it was a little chillier than usual. We stayed at the good ol' Cliff House condo which was great as as usual.
On Friday night we hosted about 30 of David's MBA friends who came over to the condo to carb load on pasta, salad and trifle for dessert.
Saturday, I took the three of them to the race and I went back and ran my own private half, (I ran 8 miles but who is counting) and made it back to watch the first woman to cross the finish line. I must say that watching various runners come in was quite entertaining. There were two guys standing next to me that were hilarious..and it is pretty funny to see people sprint for their lives at the finish. They were so distracting that I missed Clair and Terry and just got their backsides as they flew by. They beat their time by 8 minutes or so ...woohoo.
It was nice of them to let me come and spend the weekend with them and see the Moab Half from a different perspective. I loved just being together and enjoying Moab..

See the guy in the right hand corner..he was so funny, and I totally was distracted from my picture taking duties...